Satellite Shelters has embarked on a journey to further understand the impact that our Core Values have on our culture. We have taken the time to chat with members of our leadership team to see how certain Core Values resonate with them and how they interpret Satellite’s set of guiding principles.
When helping to finish up shaping the Satellite Shelters Core Values, Michele Pipitone, Vice President of HR for Satellite said they needed to put our Core Values into tangible objectives for employees and customers to grasp on to. The leadership team looked to describe integrity in a way that people could easily understand. “It’s what you do when nobody is looking.” says Shel. What better way to describe a moral code than we don’t even cheat when no one is watching us? “This is the one Core Value that everyone comments on.” Shel reflects: “It sticks out because it’s unique and not your everyday ’we act with integrity’.”
At Satellite Shelters, we know that our customers put their trust in us. From giving them the best customer service, to repairing their units with integrity, it all comes down to trust. “Do I trust this person to act honestly and in my best interest?” is one of the many questions we ask ourselves before we sign on the dotted line as consumers. At Satellite Shelters, it’s important to us that we never do anything to make our valued customers question our integrity.
Shel believes it’s important to hire employees who already operate with a strong moral code: “We look to hire people that live by this value – people that will work in the best interest of our customers and Satellite. We don’t expect acting with integrity to be a challenge; it should be second nature and we look to hire people that naturally act this way.” At Satellite, we trust our employees to take care of our customers and to do the right thing whether someone is watching or not.
It should never be a challenge to work with your modular space provider and you shouldn’t question whether they have your best interests in mind or not. Satellite Shelters will always act with integrity on your behalf – even when we know that no one is looking over our shoulders because We Don’t Cheat At Solitaire!
If you’re ready to experience the Satellite difference, contact us today or request a free quote. Our local experts are committed to providing quality products, transparent pricing, and handling every transaction with integrity.