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Be Prepared Next Time Disaster Strikes

April 29, 2011 in Mobile Offices

The most recent storms that tore across Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia have left a path of destruction behind that is going to take years to fully recover from. It is during times like these when our true human spirit comes to light and communities pull together to help each other. It is hard for anyone who has not lived through a disaster like this to truly understand the emotion and feeling of loss that these people are currently experiencing.

2011 has already proven to be a year of incredible loss due to natural disasters and unfortunately there will most assuredly be more to come. As a nation, we must step in and help the victims of disaster to recover and try to help them put their lives back together. We have seen all areas of the country and world effected by disasters of every imaginable sort, but yet we still believe it could never happen to us. It’s time to take a hard look at our own disaster recovery plans and make sure that we are as prepared as possible to survive and pick up the pieces afterward. Here are some tips to help ensure that you are ready for whatever nature has to throw at you.

Have a written plan of what to expect and how you will handle it. Here are some things to consider.


  1. How will you know family members are safe?
    • Have a designated meeting place.
    • Think about how you will communicate without phones or during power outages.
  2. Power Outages
    • Lights
    • Heating
    • Air Conditioning / Fans
    • Radio / TV News
  3. No Food or Water
  4. Access to roads for basic conveniences
  5. How many days without service should you expect?

Take time to discuss as a family what to do in case of a natural disaster.


  1. Do you have a severe weather or evacuation plan in place?
  2. How will you communicate with employees?
  3. How will you communicate the company status with your customers?
  4. Do you have a back up plan for phones and computer services?
  5. If your facility is damaged, where will you base your operations?

Take time to discuss with the entire staff so everyone will have an idea of what to expect.

These suggestions are by no means meant to be all inclusive, but instead more thought provoking to get you thinking about what it would mean to you if a natural disaster occurred.

There are many great websites that can help you be more prepared and offer suggestions on how to build an effective disaster recovery plan. Here are only a few:


When it’s time to start the rebuilding process, Satellite Shelters, Inc. can be a great place to start.
